Talbot and Hind House, N7

“Really great, really nice, old fashioned but good… people really enjoy it, they go in, grow there plants, its great to see”­

(Talbot and Hind House resident)

“I talk to people I never spoke to or liked before – now I think they are quite nice people.”

(Talbot and Hind House resident)

Infrastructure for Vacant Lot no.13: A Long planter (x3) B Long planter with cold frame (x2) C Water point, storage, seating and info D Short planter (x4) E Seating edge for 4 bulk bags (for youth club) F Seating edge for 7 bulk bags (for youth club)
Layout of spaces for food growing on Harvist estate
  • dates:
    2011 – ongoing
  • location:
    Harvist Estate, Islington N7 7LU
  • land ownerhsip:

    Islington Council

  • size:


  • number of plots:


  • plot size:


  • partnership:

    what if: projects Ltd, Groundwork London, Islington Council

  • funding:

    Big Lottery, Islington Council

  • part of:

    Vacant Lot